
We live in a world that is already complicated and confusing. Therefore, we will value worship experiences, relational connections, and organizational structures that are organic, life-giving, and focused on transforming us toward love of God and neighbor.  

relationality (hospitality)

We live in a culture that promotes indivdualism and breeds disconnectedness. However, God is relational and desires communion with us. We value a deep and growing relationship with God, as well as, authentic and caring realtionships with others that exhibit the nature of what it means to be the Body of Christ.

Incarnational Witness

We live in a culture that prefers to stay insulated and distant from the needs of the world. However, Jesus took on flesh and walked through the troubled neighborhoods. Likewise, we value and look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the lost, lonely, and forgotten. Wherever we go, let us be the light of Christ.

Transformational Worship/Discipleship

We live in a culture that constantly forms us contrary to the way of Christ. We strive to put aside these self-centered and prideful formations, and instead, come humbly to be changed by new life in Christ. We gather, not to be entertained, but to be transformed through worship of God. Therefore, we will center ourselves around God’s Word, listen to the Holy Spirit, love and respect one another, and serve others, as we grow as disciples of Christ. 

Engaging the Next Generation

We live in a culture that struggles to provide our kids, youth, and young adults with a moral and spiritual core. And rapid technological advances and cultural changes can sometimes leave us with generational gaps. However, the church recognizes no generational gap, since we are all, young and old, made in the image of God and designed to be a part of the body of Christ. Therefore, we will celebrate the children, youth, and young adults among us. We will seek to reach the next generation and welcome them into discipling and mentoring relationships where they can learn the ways of Christ and develop into the leaders God has intended them to be. 

Multiplying Spiritual Health and Vitality

We live in a culture that seems immune to the influence of Christian faith. However, we take seriously the words of Jesus - that we should "go and make disciples". We value spiritual vitality that allows us to mulitply healthy disciples, healthy leaders, healthy ministires, and healthy churches that will point people to new life in Christ.